MovieChat Forums > The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) Discussion > graphic nudity from a teenager??? really...

graphic nudity from a teenager??? really? how much is shown?

oh my gosh. this sounds really sexy.


The actress was born in 1992 and it's now 2015. So either your math skills are not so good, you have a different definition of "teenager" than everyone else, or--most likely--you're confusingly fiction and reality.

You can make FICTIONAL movies about teen sex just like you can write fictional books or graphic novels--the only thing you can't do is sexually exploit actual UNDERAGE teenage girls. This actress is older than most hardcore porn actresses, so this is simply not an issue here.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


but it's that it's about a teenaged girl having sex and showing nudity in a controversial way that is wrong. there was a big controversy about this when thirteen came out also. even porn has to ride a fine line as far as how women are portrayed. that's why that one old guy max hardcore got thrown in jail because he made porn videos about little girls having sex. and it was controversial, this movie when it came out because of the sexual things with the girl character which it portrayed.


The critical reviews were excellent and none of the reviewers thought the subject matter was wrong and praised the script and director for the tasteful way it was handled and for the refreshing perspective as well as the excellent caring from everyone involved. The only nude scene is when Minnie looks in a mirror a her own body.

The ones who are being judgemental about this movie and it's subject matter, a teenage girl actively going after sex and enjoying it,are people who don't see it because they think they know what it is about and how it's handled, They condemn it out of hand due to a self righteous sense of morality and need to deny that teenage girls think about sex,want it it and are every bit as interested in it as teenage boys. They most likely have been misinformed about the true reality of female sexuality or they have been conditioned to believe it is taboo for teenage girls believing it to be strictly the domain of teenage males unless,of course, they are sluts,

This movie does not present sex in a titilating manner at all. It presents it in a matter of fact non judgemental way. It's neither exploitative nor preachy. However,it does take an open mind to view it since the relationship between Minnie and her mother's boyfriend is disturbing and uncomfortable since we and the boyfriend know just how wrong it is and why, The movie doesn't pretend it's right, it is told from Minnie's perspective,it's her diary, and Minnie doesn't see it as wrong. She's curious,she's experimenting and it's the 70's. So, she goes for it.


Teenage girl going after what she wants. Isn't that a little selfish. What about what the guy wants, after she loses her virginity she was not interested in him emotionally. So it's ok for teenage girl to use people. That's the point having sex does not make you a woman, wisdom does and that usually comes with age. Wise men or women don't selfishly use people for their own needs and disregard them. Immature and unbalance people do. Is this the so society that you want to live in. So in the future when some guys uses her for just sex and just discards her emotions it should be ok then. You guys sound smart to someone stupid try again.


She's not really a teenager, so to answer your question, nothing is shown by a teenager.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


well then what is shown by her teenage character?


She was 22 at shooting time , so no teen sex.


damn that really puts a damper on my fantasy.
