
What's creepy many things,first off is even the the actress is older, she is supposed to be 15 so we are in truth watching a fifteen year old girl have sex with an older man. Then the fact that it was her moms boyfriend makes it even creepier. They are trying to make it special and sweet because its from a teenage girls point of view but he is technically a preditor. I think that when older people have sex with younger teens it is just that. Why were we bothered by woody Allen this is almost pretty much the same thing and that's not cool. If you are dating a woman her children should not have to worry about you sleeping with them. Think about how that comes off. When you are in a relationship with another grown up who had kids it does not matter how horney they are you are almost like a father to them. Those are boundaries that should not be crossed. They sell this disturbing idea in a glossy package the movie looks good a 70s period piece but promotes a totally predatorily idea as coming of age. They also sell because Peter skarsgard is a handsome guy. Would it have played out the same way if Alexander Skarsgard was the mother's boyfeind.


Predator :D

And yeah this movie was creeping me the *beep* out too. Not really because of the age difference but because Minnie almost seems retarded and acts like a sociopath. Sleeping with her mothers boyfriend? Is she stupid or does she hate her mother? I mean that's potentially a ruined relationship with her mother for life. Not that her mother isn't stupid and irresponsible either. It's child abuse.

It's not even that I find something fundamentally wrong with adult men sleeping with underage girls. You can see how bad a job her classmate does lol. And throughout the thousands of years of human evolution men have slept with women as soon as they got their periods at 15 years old or so. So nobody can tell me there is something fundamentally wrong or perverse or unnatural about it. But besides the large power difference (having money, a car, freedom, a place etc puts the teenager at a disadvantage) this especially is clearly a bad and poisonous relationship. In the end she almost becomes a underage prostitute and junkie.

This is a really ugly and pornographic story. It's well made and seductive but I hated it. It's one of the most horrible stories possible - the destruction of the relationship between a child and her mother. But oh - in the end everything is ok.

Or hey - maybe I'm just salty because I wasn't invited to parties when I was a teenager haha. I wonder if this will put pressure on teenagers who view this? Doing coke at 15? Jesus. And I wonder if in 10 or 20 or 30 years underage pornography is going to become mainstream.

Despite just being a 15 year old kid in the end I really kinda hated Minnie as a person. An ugly movie polished to look pretty.


"precocious" is the opposite of retarded and kidhood ends at puberty.


Of course it was "creepy". That's the point.

Just because boundaries "should not be crossed" doesn't mean they never have or never will. This was a semi-autobiographical film. What's wrong with you people?

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


Well said Kewl_Kat.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Well said. Some people are really not the sharpest on here.. :)


Taking the virginity of your gf's 15 year old daughter is about as bad as it gets. Any man that would do that deserves to be castrated. If I was her father I'd probably beat him to death. This kind of stuff happens all the time unfortunately. Just amazes me that men will risk their freedom for some sex. You have to be a real lowdown creep to do what he did for sure.


You could learn some compersion. You fabricated this badness so you could keep minors as future breeders, and the badness is yours alone.



Stop defending Monroe. He was a 35 year old man raping a 15 year old. He was a predator.


It's fine if you think that, but why do people here keep insisting that this movie is "promoting" anything? This an AUTOBIOGRAPY (or perhaps a fictional autobiography) of what HAPPENED to the author. It is not "promoting" anything at all.

If I were to HONESTLY write an autobiography about MY teenage and young-adult years, I would, by your logic, be "promoting" alcoholism, drug abuse, minor drug dealing, property crimes, fighting, statutory rape (as both victim and perpetrator), rampant bisexuality, and bad punk rock. I'm not ASHAMED of any of those things that I did when I was young and stupid, but I would never PROMOTE them to anybody. That is just not what the author is doing. She is sharing an interesting experience from her real life. If you are incapable of getting that, then piss off and go watch something more "morally uplifting".

Also, what makes you think all statutory rapists are all sweaty middle-age guys or obvious "creeps"? Some of them no doubt are good-looking guys that hormonal teenage girls genuinely WANT to sleep with. That's why it's called STATUTORY rape.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"
