MovieChat Forums > The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) Discussion > Is this a 70's Perks of Being a Wallflow...

Is this a 70's Perks of Being a Wallflower?

It sure looks like it. Cover is identical, same syllables in the title and an association from wallflower to wallpaper.. Is the only difference being set in the 70's with a female protagonist?

"Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant."-M. Kapor


No, it is 100 times better than that movie. Not really related at all.


Well I really loved The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and found this movie to be merely okay. To each his own I guess. :)


It isn't even about a wallflower, so the comparison makes no sense.


I can't compare because I haven't seen the movie, that's why I am asking.
"Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant."-M. Kapor


Well, I mean, if you gauge the content of a film based on the movie poster's similarity to others...I guess you could say that it is exactly that.

But the movies themselves are very different, if that matters.


marc sigoloff from springfield illinois has tiny brain.


No, I don't, but it's my intuition that it might be similar because that's the vibe I am getting.

"Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant."-M. Kapor


Actually, covers are designed very intentionally to bring up known associations, for the very purpose of giving the viewer a "feeling" of what kind of expectation to have with the movie.

So, you are not crazy for thinking there may be a similarity between the two films. Even if there is not.




got vibes too


Not similar in the slightest. I absolutely love this movie and I hated Perks

“Daydreaming subverts the world.” ~ Raoul Vaneigem


Then you are dead inside


Just kidding. But you're dead inside.
