I was about to start a thread whose title be "How is this film legal?" as obscenity laws in some countries prohibit even the fictional expression or portrayal of underage sex. But I think the US code has a scientific, artistic, medical, educational exemption clause.
Notwithstanding, "child" is a misnomer as everyone is a child of a parent and "youth" or "minor" or simply "underaged" should be the term. The only abuse here is legal and verbal abuse from you and the state.
I'll bet you're guilty of sexual abuse of a minor yourself, a felony, as 1USC1 implicates you as the offender when you first masturbated.
In the US the peak (mode) age of sex offenders is 14, which means the left shoulder includes antepubescents; that and the average first masturbation age disprove the perniciose urban legend and lige that kids don't understand sex. It's you who abuse kids when you treat them as stupid subhuman property and try to vilify a rewarding and meaningful fact of life as sexual contact. The laws or the state need to be overthrown.
In your review several times you call the adult the abuser when the adult didn't initiate most of the relationship. You must be retarded, sexually, socially, and mentally, if you think that everyone of a certain age doesn't or can't understand something that everyone of a greater age does. Minors do make the first move whether on their age peers or with adults and you'd call any adult that goes along the abuser, and ignore the minor's responsibility. You should be disgusted at your ignorant ageist hate. Maybe if all "adults", if there were such a thing, were dead then nobody could take the blame for anything? Or would you admit that you were kept ignorant for most of your early life not because of any inherent mental limitation of yours but that your close ones kept you so for some perpetual breeders' agenda?