MovieChat Forums > 12 Monkeys (2015) Discussion > Is season 2 worth finishing?

Is season 2 worth finishing?

I loved the Twelve monkeys movie and season 1 of the tv show. Half way through season 2 I started to hate all the changes and crazy things happening. My question is does it get better?


The show is not and is never again going to be what it was in season 1. Make your decision based on that. I'm not a fan of the changes season 2 has brought, but I am still able to find some enjoyable qualities.


It just got interesting. Mind you, I'm one of those people that goes all the way into the rabbit hole


The last couple of episodes have me reeeaaallly going full force! I'm very much looking forward to the season finale. Who is the witness?! Cole? Raley? Their baby? Did Ramsey's son grow up to run everything? Anything could happen because they have their own time machine! Maybe Ramsey's son and the messanger little girl had a kid? Is it Jennifer from a different time line? Or are all the Primaries in this cult after being killed and the red garden grows, there's no death or birth they just maybe all the primaries come back to life and they have formed a cult with Jennifer as their leader? Or it could be Hannah's father?

I'm guessing it has something to do with Cole bleeding in front of the house, and them having sex inside the house. Now I just don't know what to do with that information!! AHHHH I hope they don't give us a little bit about the house and this and that and keep the witness secret until s3 :(


The latter half of season 2 was spectacular imo, especially the final few episodes and where it left things off was pretty insane with potential. They took a concept that would have burnt itself out and really steered it into something totally different and more interesting. I liked season 1 a lot, but I'm way more siked for S3.


Just finished season 2. Awesome!! Totally agree with you about the latter half being spectacular. I did guess who the Witness was when we found out Cassie has one in the oven. Yup, S3 going into the future has potential. Hope they don't fk it up.

💀 "That fückin' Flowers." - Lucas Davenport


Yea, I had watched about 4-5 episodes of season 2 and I was a little bored, I was like "yea, I'll watch the rest soon"... but when I got to the next few it was non stop binge watching until the end! The last few are the best of the series so far.
Jennifer Goines is turning into one of my favourite characters too, even though I found her a bit annoying at the beginning..


Half way through season 2 I started to hate all the changes and crazy things happening.

I did that earlier than you. I hated the first couple eps of season 2, after LOVING season 1... I was really concerned that the show had gotten TOO crazy, and had gone 'round the bend to being bad.

Edit to add: Shoot, here's a link to the thread I started, when I was chokin' on my angst:

But, the fact is... as you can see from my final post in that thread----- as bad as it started out, season 2 got FUN. I am still not 100% on board with the actual PLOT of season 2-- I can take or leave the whole 'Witness wants to end time' b.s..... but this show's gold is the characters--- THEY are still wonderful, in season 2. Jennifer, Cole, Ramsey, Cassie...shoot, even Deacon got to be likable!!! I love those characters and the interactions between them. If you don't take the plot too seriously, the show actually has enough depth and enough general 'fun'--- that, at least for me, season 2 works.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


I love season 2 more than 1. S1 was just a show I liked to watch every week, S2 has been "ahhh, I can't wait til next week" viewing and easily my fav show on tv, even if it did start off slow. Then again, I never felt there were any changes in S2, just a natural progression of the story and characters. The same ol of S1 would have been boring.


Season 2 puts Season 1 to shame.


S2 really gets epic... Episode 12 was mayhem.


it definitely do!!


it is getting a little more interesting, but still a far cry from what season 1 was IMO.
i really enjoyed the first.. this, i just continue to watch because the characters and first season were so good.


I'm on Episode 11, and can tell you Season 2 is definitely worth finishing. Season 2 has been FUN, and any episode with Jennifer is a guaranteed good time. But if you're stuck on what season 1 was then I'm sorry but it's never going to be like that again. Which I think is a good thing because there was only so much you could do with that format. Now we're traveling through time drinking whisky sours with a crazy girl full of pop culture references and a mission that makes no sense. I'm having a lot of fun and Cass has really grown, and I like being able to dislike the characters I like and yet understand their point of view.
