Some things i want to discuss. Possible spoilers.
1. They try to change the past and undo the plague, Katarina is most invested in this, but she destroys the virus solution on the last known mutation in 2043, instead of sending it back in time with Cole and try to solve this at the very beginning. Cure it when it starts, 'cuz it's probably much easier to work with a known solution on all possible mutations of the virus, than traveling back with no idea how to sustain it when it happens. The virus will always spread one way or another imo.
2. My mind boggles on time travel even tho i have a very high suspension of disbelief when i watch shows like these. "This hasn't happened to you, but it happened to me". I'm paraphrasing, it's okay, most things were very clear in the show... but there is one thing i couldn't understand. Ramse is back in time and he is one of the main reasons the virus starts. Does this make him aware in 2043 and knows his past actions? I don't think so. They made it clear that Katarina met Cole in the past, but that was her past version of herself, not the present. How can 2043 Ramse go back and change the past that has already happened? How can it all happen because of a 2043 version of him? He didn't know all along, he just went back and participated in an already done timeline.
Second weird thing is the death of Cole's father. Cole has these visions when he was little, they are killing his father, the whole trauma... but which timeline was the first? The 2015 or the 2043? The past is before the present right? And then how can the present alter the past? Something that hasn't happened by 2043 comes back in the past and alters the already DONE timeline of 2015. I facking don't make any sense. LOL.
3. Love the show tho, currently at the start of the second season. The actress who plays Jennifer is amazing.