Why negativity?

This film looked amazing from the trailer. It looks suspenseful & thrilling similarly to gravity. It really reeled me in with the idea of having illegal actions cross paths. Whereas the immigrants of the story are not seen as heroes but as humble & guiltfilled people trying to finish their illicit mission without any trouble. Unfortunately, a patriotic american man with weapons looks to hunt the Mexican immigrants for sport. Looking at the trailer, the director wants us to familiarize with the Mexican culture. In the Mexican culture,(speaking as a culturally Mexican myself) It is very common for struggling people in the country to find no other choice than to cross over to the United States. While the common conception of crossing over for careers or family may be true, a majority of the people over there are being killed/massacred by the thousands & the government isn't exactly held together tightly enough to build a safer country. I believe that is what the director wants you to think of when you have the hispanic protagonists come across the screen. People who've seen the film say that the script is very short in terms of dialogue which does not help carry my hypothesis unfortunately. I fell to say this because I see people taking sides on this thread & neither situation is correct & this film is not meant to take sides. We have a humble group of hispanic illegals vs a seemingly wealthy american assassin, Its more of a tale of cruel misfortune where the whole situation is screwed rather hero/villain structure. In the end, It looks like a 90 minute suspenseful action/thriller that would keep me fun at the edge of my seat.


Because it's obvious propaganda

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Because right wing lunatics see anything that may try to humanize an issue they're against they blindly hate it. They haven't seen the movie and it's not even about that, it's about them being assh*les.


You think that portraying people who oppose illegal immigration as mass-murdering psychopaths is 'humanizing the issue'?




He's such a douche - this just after he brought us NAFTA.


I agree with the original post. This looks like a very suspenseful movie and since it was written by a Hispanic writer and producer, I can't understand why people think this is political propaganda. I see this as a smart man that is cashing in on the hot and current topic of illegal immigration. I don't have the same hatred as others do about illegal immigrants who are willing to do the jobs that most Americans think are beneath them, but then complain about how there are no jobs. I'm sure idiots like Ted Cruz and Trump love the idea of this kind of border control, but yes they are racist a holes.

I live in Texas and you should see some of the state political ads that are currently airing. Talk about racist, and these idiots are all right wing nut jobs that are running against each other or running unopposed. Their ads get more racist by the day. They want to build a wall, that in my opinion, is a total waste of money as most illegal immigrants come into the country across the bridges because of the corrupt border control system. They have all but killed abortion for those who should have the right to decide for themselves what is best for them and guns are flying off the shelves here like crazy as we have an open carry law. So people are wearing guns like cell phones now. Completely crazy.

If you take the time to read the credits, this film was directed and written by Jonas Cuaron , born in Mexico City and of Hispanic heratige. He is know for the movie "Gravity". If this was written and directed by anyone other than a Hispanic, I would have a different opinion as to the fact that it is racist. But look at the number of other racist films that have been produced over the last three decades and in all reality, this is just another horror/suspense film. I will hopefully get to see this movie. I'm sure that the racist sniper gets killed in the end.


The propaganda implications aside, it's just not a very good film.

The writing is weak, the story is barely marketable and simplistic and the characters are all weak (i.e. you don't give a *beep* about them heading into the final act)

I don't know how it compares to Gravity, because there is no link whatsoever...The tension wears off after about 25 minutes and it feels like it was filmed in a 100 yard stretch of the desert, with repetitive scenery and weak cinematography.

I was waiting for this one to just end.


It's pretty much a well made and suspenseful slasher film. Nothing more. Unfortunately, people can't help politicizing everything.


its very simple, both side are guilty anyway.



people don't like the political undertone.


Why do you support white racist films like this?
Oh wait, you deleted your account like a coward.
Nevermind! You answered my question with your actions.
