MovieChat Forums > The Hungover Games (2014) Discussion > Too Bad This Won't Be Any Good

Too Bad This Won't Be Any Good

Let's face it, there will never be another good spoof film. Parody is dead and Mel Brooks is very, very old and possibly retired so the chances of another good parody film is slim these days, sigh!



You know I would have agreed with you before watching this, but finally people actually did one right! I've ranked just about every parody in the last 15 years at best a 3/10 and I think a lot of people will be surprised with this film considering how low the bar has been set in this sub-genre. Actual good humor, actual decent acting and effects, some nice T&A here and there.

I don't know about it's theater release possibilities though considering it's been leaked on the net, but it would probably do decent if they are still planning on it. It's nothing at all the The Starving Games. The dudes looked almost identical to The Hangover cast, there were times when you could barely tell the difference.


Which producer did you say you were related to?


Yea, that's a fine deduction Sherlock. I set up an account here 5 years ago, rated 7,000+ films and wrote 90 reviews all so I could come here today and shill some praise to this film. You'll foiled the labor of my fruits fo sure

If I really gave a f'k I would write a published critic review for the film, but I don't, at least not that much.


Well i'll be gawd damnned. I watched this movie and dang it was pretty good! It was in your face but subtle at times and well done with a good pace. For this type of movie it was very well done.

I owe Mr Killer an apology. Who knew Jamie Kennedy could do something good ?


Completely agree with you. Parody films of the past 20 years have been hit and miss at BEST. Just finished watching this with my wife and we both loved it. Casting was fantastic. Katnip is hotter than Katniss. Jamie Kennedy is genius. The Hangover guys were spot on. The Depp District was also outstanding. If you seriously want to trash this movie, I need some real explanations as to why!


I streamed it online and it is actually pretty funny


Mel Brooks was OK but nothing genius. This movie is quite good but in other parts it's "not as".

