MovieChat Forums > Shelter (2015) Discussion > A gimmick to generate publicity

A gimmick to generate publicity

I'm guessing the 1 minute and 53 second scene during which Connelley appears to have reproductive fluid on her face (she wipes her face, but some of the "sperm" is still visible) was conceived as a risqué marketing ploy. Edgy content attracts curiosity-seeking patrons. The movie has been endlessly attacked for having the gall to star a still gorgeous, world famous sex symbol as a wretched transient like the individuals we might expect to see begging for change, eating from garbage cans, sleeping on heating grates, ad perhaps somebody thought giving Jennifer a facial would showcase her commitment to authentically slum it up...or something. I will say that I can't believe that people are speculating that computer generated imagery was employed to create the illusion that a man had ejaculated on her face; as if her dignity should need to be preserved on the set of a movie directed by her very own husband. Does anybody have a link to an article detailing the computer Jizz Wizards who created CGFI semen out of thin air? For Silence of the Lambs, Jodie Foster permitted somebody to toss what appeared to be hand lotion in her face. I'm sure an actress of Connelly's caliber would be willing to brave the slime. BTW, am I a horrible person for absolutely thrilling to Jennifer Connelly's absolutely fearless commitment to an authentic performance as the recipient of an unwanted facial? I tell myself It's all an illusion, so there's nothing wrong with imagining "what if"

Father wrote about this in his book Ch1Pg1Par1 What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? Money.


The only reason people are saying it might be CGI is because one of the VFX people working on the film tweeted about it while it was in post production. Which would be a weird thing to tweet if he was making it up. I mean maybe they just added more in post, but the tweet was pretty clear that at least some of it was computer generated (someone linked to it on either this board or the Jennifer Connelly board back when it was posted), I mean look at Blood Diamond, they added a tear coming down her face during her final phone call with Leo, which easily could have been done without computer graphics, but they decided on adding it too late to have her reshoot that scene.

Also at 1:10 the trailer appears to show a clip from this scene in question, but without anything on her face. It probably has nothing to do with her commitment or lack there of (she clearly was pretty darn committed) they likely just came up with the idea in post when it was too late to reshoot because she had gained some of the weight back and it would have caused continuity problems. Easier just to have a VFX guy spend a few hours adding it in.

Marketing ploys aside, and I usually hate this kind of graphic for the sake of being graphic kind of thing, the juxtaposition of Hannah trying to brave the deadly blizzard to get to the shelter in brooklyn after turning the pervert down, then jump cutting to this ejaculate scene was pretty effective at getting the point across of how the pervert security guard was making her choose between her basic human dignity and survival.


Much thanks for the info. I'm going to search for the info you mentioned but if you can provide any links........

Father wrote about this in his book Ch1Pg1Par1 What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? Money.


Shock value or not, it was effective given the problematic situation she was in. Freeze to death and not help her boyfriend. She could have done that, and I hoped she did. But it was still shocking to see she didn't. At the same time she sacrifices herself to the better sufferer, Tahir. This way her character changes and becomes quite valiant in the third act while also tragically paying the price for letting herself out on the street for so long. But yeah, they could have toned down the security guard element a bit. F_ckin' hated that sh!tstain.
