
So. Connelly amf Mackie characters meet amf fall in love. Yet we never see them consummate their obvious love for each other. We never even see them in been without any clothes on. But we do see a pervert nogooder buss his load on her face. We do see her getn her ass jammed from behind in the floor of a filthy public bathroom. We do see her being treated like a low life prostitute, whoring and sucking strange cock for money. Lol All this is acceptable and certainly better than seeing my wife humping a black man - the one who treated her with dignity and respect and got her off heroin and protected her. This director should be ashamed at airring his insecurites so blatantly. What a joke


Just watched this on Netflix; you're right. I didn't even really think about that. You could still see the love in their relationship despite the lack of physical affection though b


You are a real dumbass. The director was trying to keep the look between them clean. Unnecessary it would've been to have even more sex, after all the degrading *beep* The point of their relationship was clean vs the unclean. Directors do this all the time. And most white dudes I know aren't insecure at all, they know they have nothing to be insecure about. Especially over amoeba ass bitches with daddy issues. Peace, son.


"The point of their relationship was clean vs the unclean. "

