This movie blows

(Spoilers below)

I couldn't have given a $hit about the characters, they were so unlikeable. Camerawork is shoddy and shaky and all over place and the sound design was pi$$ poor.

Jennifer Connelly acts like a complete retard throughout, the scene where she's laughing like an old whacked out hag disturbed me. The beautiful voluptuous Connelly I once adored is now dead and buried and replaced by this modern death warmed up Hollywood stick insect. She is beyond ugly and washed up now. She was looking gaunt and skeletor like before she slimmed down even more for this role.

Nothing really happens in Shelter. Black man meets crazy old bag and they form a bond, eventually, and they do really boring $hit together.

Wasted opportunity for a good film.

Stand out moments was Connelly with spunk on her face from a morally bankrupt Security guard who lets her sleep in the boiler room of where he works in return for a blowjob, then she has sex with him for money, doing her from behind in the bathroom and her black boyfriend catches them in the act, and kills the guy. Then she holds the dead security guys bleeding head and whimpers loudly over and over again. god it was nauseating.

I felt nothing for these characters and hoped they would die. Luckily, one of them does.

Go and watch Requiem for a Dream instead, where you can see the real Jennifer Connelly before she mutilated herself into a crack whore lookalike. A way better film about drugs minor the homelessness.

Shelter is a miserable empty experience and is a failure. Her cardboard sign should have said "I used to be pretty" instead.


why are you so focused on the fact that he boyfriend was black?


i think you are , i did not in no way think he was constantly talking about that . plus i bet your one of those people who says im not racist and god forbid if a white man made half the songs or TV shows like black Jesus now days then it would be racist but it is fine when its black people being racist . also get of your high high horse it his opinion and view and i agree its true she looks like a train wreck of late in her real life to the point if that was a family member i would be seeing if they were ok and not strung out. PS the movie was boring


then you're an idiot.


@alexthomas-27360, YOU are the idiot, idiot.


i agree its true she looks like a train wreck of late in her real life to the point if that was a family member i would be seeing if they were ok and not strung out. PS the movie was boring

Have to agree i watched this for Mackie because i'm a fan but overall this film didn't offer anything interesting was just cliche after cliche about homeless people and the money shot scene shock tactic only brought the film down further then what it was already.I don't know what it with these hollywood types who use european shock value tactics thinking that'll jolt people into being interested again when things get dull and boring it don't work in Euro it don't work in america .Learn to tell better more interesting stories with interesting characters drop the stupid shock value material its gotten old and stale.

" Gonads are very useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains "


Ever noticed since Connelly married that ugly prick Paul Bettany she started to look like $hit? I think he roped her into some horrible bull$hit vegan/vegetarian diet and told her it was ok to butcher her body with plastic surgery after pro-creating with him.

I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole now if she was single and lusted after me. I'm actually appalled by what she looks like now.

She's joined all the other vacuous Hollywood monstrosities and butchered her once beautiful body and looks because of whatever insane reason.

Why on earth these actresses do this to themselves I'll never know. I heard she even had breast reduction. Why TF would you do that to yourself?


If you didn't care that he was black, then you wouldn't have referred to him as the black boyfriend.

Also, please don't tell me you're one of those people that the world is out to capture the white man lol. Do some research before posting ignorant stuff.


How does stating he's black make me a racist you tumbling dickweed?

Grow up.


Laughing at this thread. Did you expect a hot voluptuous woman who was homeless for quite a awhile? Get real. This proves again why Connelly is a hell of an actress (with or without said anorexia).

