Some Theories

I have some theories about the show ....

I believe the show takes place in the future. There's evidence in this seeing as the dogs use mind control technology, which is pretty much possible now using brain waves but it seems that it's pretty much perfected. Based on the episode with Mayor Goodway's great-great-great-great grand-father's statue, I suspect that it takes place around the year 2040. Technology shown in the show would not be extraordinarily expensive as it would likely be fairly common. An AI dog would not be out of the question for instance. Talking dogs I'll leave up to cartoon fiction of course.

I believe Mayor Goodway is insane. The purse chicken should be a dead giveaway. Her mannerisms and insane prioritization of city services (ex: blocking traffic to bring a chicken home to dry off) also show this. I believe her brother Manuel is actually in charge. There is some sort of shadow governing going on in this town.

