MovieChat Forums > Circle (2015) Discussion > who would you choose to save ?

who would you choose to save ?

For me would have to be either :

a) the 16 year old boy that volunteered to die as he didnt want to kill anybody

b) the guy who never voted or spoke

c) little girl

cd) the pregnant lady as in theory you could have saved 2 people including a baby rather than just one (although the ending put the kibosh on that one)

It was an interesting premise but the script & acting was mostly atrocious - for example everybody was far to calm - in reality there is no way those conversations would have happened like they did due to the intense stress everybody was under - a lot more people would either have 'shut down' & whimpered till they died or maybe ranted angrily till they were chosen - also more people would have freaked out & involuntarily stepped outside their circles & pretty much guaranteed most people would have lost control of their bodily functions


No, if we are to go by the canon of the movie, you'll notice at the end, the unborn child was given the option to vote, but because he/she could not vote, the man won.

Now, had it come down to the pregnant lady and she lived, she would still have to vote against the unborn child. So the point is moot.


interesting. I think this could be an alternate ending. So basically the unborn child can't survive by any means, so saving the pregnant woman is not morally good any more. If the mother chooses to save her child, she has to kill herself and the child dies anyway. SO in this case, I save the little girl.


Not true. The creators confirmed that the only reason why the baby was considered a separate player was because when the mother died she fell over another empty circle.


The little girl. Baby's life hasn't yet begun, her life has. I liked the 16yr old and I felt bad when he went. I think the liberal in the sweatervest should've gone faster along with the hypocritical hippie, the braying jackass businessman, the race baiter, and the racist cop. But we need antagonists...


I didn't think the guy in the sweatervest was a liberal, he seemed like a really right wing banker who looked down on poor people/people on benefits etc.
But I agree those people lived longer than they should've, sometimes some of the people that got picked didn't make sense.


When the atheist and the girl with a blue shirt were on a tie and then the girl died i was like.... WTF?


my thought was that everyone should refuse to vote, to ensure no one is a murderer. that leaves it entirely to chance. but I think you'd have to have a group of 50 Buddhists to agree on that.

I would simply not vote at all. but I wouldn't be silent about it, I'd suggest right away that the others can also leave it to chance. if someone chose me, well, that's their karma, and mine.


I would have voted to save the little girl. The pregnant lady could have a miscarriage from all the stress. Plus the baby doesn't know what is happening and the little girl does. So plan A is save the kid, plan B would be save the pregnant lady, and then the 16 year old kid. I also really liked the soldier and would have wanted to save him as a plan D.


That would be my priority list too, little girl first. The baby doesn't know what's happening.


The woman with big titties, no slightest doubt about that.


If by save you mean who would I sacrifice myself for, I would say either the Pregnant lady or the little girl for sure. But even if those two weren't there, I wouldn't be chomping at the bit to off people.


The porn star ... Okno

Maybe the Asian girl, the muslim woman, the soldier or the cancer survivor.



Curious. The choice obviously should have been:

1. fertile female
2. intelligent and skilled to carry on civilization (e.g. engineer)

Women and children first. But the women first because children can't survive well on their own.




Yup I think this makes most sense. The last person standing should have been a fertile, intelligent female.

Assuming that aliens have invaded and the world is in chaos, the pregnant woman or the little child have less odds of surviving than a healthy female.
Can anyone disagree on the logic applied here or have any moral concerns ?




Definitely not the pregnant lady, just another teenage girl who got pregnant out of wedlock and barely knows the dad, nothing special here.

The little girl deserved sympathy by default but she too wanted to live at everyone's expense, hence I wouldn't choose her but I understand she was probably too young to know any better.

The 16 year old boy would probably my top choice to save since he was the one to selflessly sacrifice himself first and that shows character.

Second choice would be the fat middle aged guy who never spoke and never voted. He earns my respect for not wanting to kill anyone.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


Second choice would be the fat middle aged guy who never spoke and never voted. He earns my respect for not wanting to kill anyone.

Better still, he stuck to his principles and refused to give the aliens anything to work with

That's the kind of person I'd want to represent our species

While I'd instinctively want to protect the pregnant woman, some of the characters raised legitimate points (how special is "getting pregnant" after all?).

Meanwhile, the youngest characters have the most real potential.

The girl, in particular, showed her true character when she agreed, no matter how scared she was, to take the hit for the pregnant mother.

If I were in Eric's position, I'd like to think I'd vote for the mother, then step off my circle to save the girl.
