Pregnant Survivor
How is that possible? Feels like a plot hole ... or as the review said, the movie underestimating its own intelligence.
May thy blade chip and shatter...
How is that possible? Feels like a plot hole ... or as the review said, the movie underestimating its own intelligence.
May thy blade chip and shatter...
I'm not sure that is a plot hole.
I know some folks on this board are speculating that every last person on earth was in a circle and everyone we see at the end of the movie is a circle survivor but that scenario is not actually stated in the film.
I'm thinking that equally possible that only some people were forced to be in a circle and others weren't. That group of folks at the end of the movie might not have ever been taken and were just looking at the spaceships in confusion. Then, the circle survivor we saw in the movie simply joins them, and as we saw, he doesn't say anything so he may have been being coy.
My speculation is that he would rather pretend he was never in a circle and blend in with the others instead of admitting what he did to survive.
That's possible but it requires a lot of speculation. I also heard a heart beat / sq. ft. theory somewhere...
May thy blade chip and shatter...
No, they were definitely survivors of their own circles. This is obvious considering at least half of the people in the scene were pregnant women and and the others were children. The dude was the only guy there, obviously indicating other circles ensured either the child or pregnant woman died
shareI'm looking at it right now.
There are 4 men (not counting the survivor of the circle we saw)
6 kids (2 boys, 4 girls) two women and one pregnant woman.
That dude is going to have a lot of tail once those children start growing up.
There shouldn't be any question that they were survivors of their own circles. We're supposed to realize that the final guy's circle came to this same conclusion, that the pregnant women should be allowed to live. But because of dumb luck and seriously ruthless gameplay, he actually mastered the game whereas there wasn't anyone like that in those other circles where pregnant women won.
The instrument has yet to be invented that can measure my indifference to that remark.
It's not a plot hole, see the posts from the Filmakers on the other thread. They address this...
shareSo visitors won't have to look up the answer elsewhere on the board:
The pregnant woman counted as one "life" as long as she and her fetus were on the same circle.
If she'd been the last player standing, she'd have won along with her fetus.
Instead, by chance, she was zapped and landed with her belly on another circle. That circle registered the still-living fetus as a player.