MovieChat Forums > Circle (2015) Discussion > Pregnant Woman and Child...

Pregnant Woman and Child...

I would vote for them first.



Now I am voting for you first.


And OP and I are voting for you next. *Moves hand and closes fist*


I am also voting for the OP and we have a tie.
*dun dun dun*


I would vote for them first as well. Act of mercy.

May thy blade chip and shatter...




i don't because it would be only me and the vote will be wasted... but yeah, i would be (secretly) on the ''evil'' team


I know this turned into a kinda silly/fun tbread, but on a serious note, I hate how it's always just assumed the pregnant woman is safe in movies. She always gets the bed, she always gets the most food, etc. I understand taking care of a pregnant woman is a given to some extent, (I've had two daughters myself), but to go out of the way to put her needs above everyone else in a survivor situation is ridiculous! Her life doesn't somehow become more important just because she's preggo. I think there is a line in the movie like that regarding her not using birth control. lol Just because she's pregnant doesn't somehow make her a better person or more eligible for saving than anyone else in my opinion. It shouldn't be an automatic free-ride just because you had sex and got knocked up. =)


Almost any idiot can get pregnant.

Also I just voted for you and your two daughters...

reply wouldn't have had the opportunity to have voted for me as you'd have been the first voted out obviously. =)


Too late, I already voted.


THANK YOU!!! I completely agree and loved the line, "So, just because she's never heard of birth control she gets to live?". Which is true! No idea if she actually wanted the child or even had the means to take care of it.

And with their speculation of rebuilding society, a pregnant woman would need so much care and attention, seems very counter-productive.

Even though it was the suspender douche bag that said it, "There are plenty of pregnant women and kids in the world.". Especially when other choices include a doctor, etc.

We've met before, haven't we?


Eh... You're right but there is a human instinct to protect pregnant women and children and I'd go with instinct. I'd feel like a pretty *beep* up individual if I survived knowing I killed one of them. I wouldn't shed a tear for those who wanted to kill a pregnant woman or child for their own survival. Those people would make my decisions very easy to make.



Small correction, it wasn't the suspender guy who said that, it was the banker.
And 5 minutes earlier he said that parents should get to live LOL

And yeah, I agree with you. Put me in the camp of "sorry, but just cause you're pregnant means nothing".

I personally think the question is what happens in the end?
I think that if we think it's an alien invasion then I want someone with a chance to survive in the end.

Imagine if the person in the end was all alone, how would a child or a pregnant woman survive? You'll be getting rid of actual people who have a chance to survive for nothing.



How do you do this without pregnant women?

Do I really have to explain how reproduction works?
This wasn't the only cluster tested, right? There's bound to be a winning, fertile pair.




I wonder if the pregnant woman got 2 votes all along?
