Eric's Participation
The ending flashback lead me to believe that Eric might have also participated in other games - thoughts? One contrary detail was his tantrum in his tie-breaker with the fetus, though it also could have been his first game with a pregnant participant.
It might have been funny if the fetus clenched its fist too (that also would have been awful and I wouldn't have been impressed LMAO)
Also, something I've submitted to the trivia section: "Towards the end of the film, Eric is seen in a tie-breaker with the pregnant woman's fetus - this means that when the child and pregnant woman were still alive there were technically four players remaining. This may explain the excessive quantity of children in the ending scene, where Eric approaches the group of survivors from their respective games - such as to suggest that all fetuses would be stillborn, and other groups may have realized this and opted for the single child (presuming that they were faced with a quandry similar to the group that we spectated.) This also obscoleces the rationale of opting for the longevity of a pregnant player."