What if they aren't conquerors? They don't beam the people into cages, or camps, they free them. It may be purely conjecture, but what if the aliens see themselves as helping us?
While the filmmakers don't lock themselves down to this notion, it's explicit in the commentary and heavily implied in Eric's dialogue after they kill the silent guy: "When you kill someone, you're judging them"
The aliens couldn't select for what the ideal traits of our species would be, they could only select for what they saw as their own ideal traits in us. Maybe they are smart enough to know that is a bad idea.
let us select the traits that will survive.
Fits within the theme of the movie, too. They leave it to us to decide who gets to survive. If we choose badly, it's on us. If we lack foresight, it's on us. If we alliow sentiment to trump logic (e.g., saving kids instead of engineers and doctors), it's on us.
It's a test, as Eric repeats in the final voiceover
So all the posters in this thread complaining about the emphasis on children & pregnant women, you're really arguing against decisions the characters made (very believable decisions, in my opinion).
Hopefully, other circles did select doctors and engineers