She is in way worse condition than Britney. Worse then anyone imagined. This is sad
It was just scary to see that documentary. I watched 2 episodes and it's depressing.
She is completely gone as a person. With Britney you can see that Britney is still there as a person. She is broken and behavior is weird sometimes but still herself. She can function. She has bad and good days.
With Wendy it worse. She makes sentences and speaks. But can't maintain focus and have coherent conversation for more then few sentences. It's like she is constantly on drugs and exist in her own universe.
Why on earth they allow her to drink in this condition? They put her in some "financial conservatorship". But it doesn't look like someone can Order her what to do like it was with Britney. So she drinks because she want's and her team can't even do nothing. She will just kick them out. Or snap. Like her son said - if someone demand her to stop drinking - she snaps at them and takes them out of her circle. That's what all addicted celebrities do.
But she is not just alcoholic. She is mentally unwell and can't understand what is happening. As bad as it sounds but she should be under full conservatorship for her own well being where they would take alcohol from her and give her pills.
That whole sequence in car was scary to watch. This is what people have to endure when they have mentally ill people to work for. She kept sending that assistant for cigarettes and then saying it's not that and demanding to ride in circle to come back there again. To the point when is was happening for so long that producers had to stop and tell her that camera crew must get out and go home.
You really have to have patience and chill attitude to take all that nonsense and abuse from them. That Will guy is like the only one who can contain her somehow.