Sooo was the plane not Tressler's?
If sooo that would explain pretty much everything about the chip. Which leads to ask the question where the hell is the real one? Hell was there EVER a real one? Why would it be in Macau? Why sell it to some son of a South African Gangster ok I'm going off tangent.
If that was Tressler's plane I would assume Mabry's chip verifier doohickey is legit and the horseman would have had no way to rig it (like they would have if the plane was different) so at some point the chip was switched (by the people who were the Eye) with the real one sometime after they realized it was fake and the plane scene or they had the real one the whole time and Jack was just messing with them and us when he said it was fake or was Atlas whoever said it was fake.
I do remember that one dude in security room who was at the end of the movie being apart of the eye running a security/systems check on the chip and it came back clean which was odd seeing how Jack replaced it something that wasn't even a chip.
I realize this movie has been out for a while and this question has been asked and I have googled it and haven't seen anythinf concrete so does anyone know or are we left in the dark on purpose and to draw our own conclusions.
For a movie that went out its way to explain the "tricks" the didn't explain this, unless I just complete missed when they did.