You've put it in particularly eloquent terms stronger than I, but yeah...this series of films is just a dreadful caper film masquerading as something intelligent/clever. The magic doesn't hold up. The plot doesn't hold up. It's nonsense.
That scene where Eisenberg's character makes the rain go back up again and at the end it's quickly explained away like 'oh it was just an illusion with some sprinklers and some strobe lights have a nice day' was absolutely ludicrous. On the face of it things like that and Dave Franco disappearing in a cloud of cards (a cloud with clearly hundreds more cards than he ever had in his hand by the way) look cool for the first second and fall down immediately when you realize how stupid they are.
I'd also add that the triple-threat of Jesse Eisenberg, Dave Franco and Lizzie Caplin all being in one film is too much 'whiny and annoying' for anyone but then I'm being mean. Personal preference I suppose.