The latest episode introduced yet another speedster character making the Flashs power seem less special. Why do
superhero shows like the Flash and movies like Shazam keep adding characters that have the same power or abilities?
I know this question is two years old, but just to answer, it's pretty much necessary. If The Flash's villains were just regular people, Barry would have no problem beating them. If The Flash's villains had super strength, or something like that, but moved at regular speed, Flash still easily defeats them. They need similar abilities to challenge The Flash.
It's a bit like asking why The Incredible Hulk's villains need to be massively strong.
You are probably right as far as the villains, but why do they need more heroes who have the same or at least very similar powers to the lead hero? If everyone has the Flash's powers he is not special and could be replaced easily. But Flash does a have a rogues gallery of villains most of which do not share the same abilities as the Flash. So if written well he can't just defeat them that easily.