MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > Is The Flash Returning To Season 1 Form?

Is The Flash Returning To Season 1 Form?

I’ve been hard on this show. The first season was totally encouraging. The Flash is also my favorite comic book hero, for very personal reasons. I think Season 5 is showing us a return to form from Season 1. I was very iffy about Nora, comparing her to the little boy in The Mummy Returns. With ep 5.11, I admit that I was wrong. Nora’s not a child, she’s an adult. This is The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. She and her parents interact as intelligent adults. She provides powerful motivation for Barry when she is seriously injured, in a gutsy narrative move for which I applaud the CW. The good hearted, amiable Flash goes full-on psycho-SEAL methamphetamine BALLISTIC and bodes stone-cold certain to END Cicada—until a healed Nora intervenes and saves the life of another loving father: Cicada, the first sympathetic antagonist I’ve seen on The CW. Once again, a step forward. I want to admit that I was also wrong about Dibbey. He is not the bumbling butthole buddy I thought he would be. He is proving to be a kind, helpful and heroic man whom I have grown to like. I don’t follow writers’ or directors’ credits. I don’t know if The Flash has new hands at the helm. I DO know that if I watch Arrow followed by Flash, that Arrow consistently looks like upchuck by comparison. I really want to think that our Season 1 Flash is not only back, but might even be more multi-layered than before. What do you think? What do you feel?

PS I am REALLY liking the burgeoning sisterhood between Caitlin and Killer Frost. They are turning the Jekyll and Hyde mythos on its head, and even the Banner/Hulk one as well. Caitlin and Frost love each other, and neither wants to be without the other. Boy, do I like where they’re going with this! How about you?


I guess so.
