She’s Ba-ak!
Killer Frost is back! (R_Kane does the Snoopy happy dance.) This makes 2 great non-first season episodes in a row for The Flash, which I think is a record. Last week, Iris plunged headfirst off a 30-story building in the world’s first non-suicide low altitude skydive that did not include a parachute or a hang-glider. This week, Caitlin’s passion for her teammates let her tear through the mental barrier Devoe installed in her to prevent her finding The Frost. Really raw, exciting, emotional stuff! THIS is the way they should be writing the show. The thing that has sustained my interest in this show is the very likeable cast and its devotion to seeing the good in people (very much like Once Upon A Time’s devotion to hope). What slows The Flash down is the pseudoscience and convoluted stories that are the product of lazy, sloppy writing, resulting in writers meetings where someone says, “Okay, so how do we explain how Devoe/Savitar/King Shark knew/did/escaped that 4 weeks ago?” Keep it SIMPLE. Keep it VISCERAL. Keep it RAW. And keep the heart and the human kindness.
Not for nothing, but this ep also made Cicada more human and sympathetic. Well done.