All Doll’d Up: Best Episode In A Long Time
I rag on The Flash because the first season was so enjoyable, by CW standards, but the subsequent prognosis has been bleak. Too much soap opera, too much repetition, too much lazy writing, too much bad science—it’s been a long list of pejoratives. This episode had the spark of the first season. Why? Because it had heart. Sisco, a character I’ve never liked, willingly damaged himself to help his friend, Caitlin, a character I’ve always liked; and, not for nothing, the scene where Caitlin realized the pain he’s been enduring let Danielle Panabaker strut her acting chops. Her sympathy and love were palpable. The Rag Doll bad guy didn’t get much screen time, but was the creepiest thing I’ve seen on the show and was outstandingly-executed as an effect, though not so much as a character. I’ve always been on the fence about Nora. I think adding an offspring to the dynamic between an established couple in any kind of series (e.g., the Brendan Frazier Mummy movies) is evidence of lazy and annoying thinking, but it was honestly heartwarming to see how her grandmother’s stories about her mother opened Nora’s eyes and heart. And then!—Iris diving off a building in free fall, no-superpowers-having-deathwish-pursuit of her chair-bound, handcuffed hubby?! Amazing! Truly visceral stuff. Not lazy, AI-generated, by-the-numbers-and-cash-the-check stuff. Was it truly great? No; but it was really good. Please give us more like this.