MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > Premise couldn't be more wrong...

Premise couldn't be more wrong...

More idiotic writing. Forget the inconveniences in how fast Flash can move. The explanation why he couldn't go back in time was beyond moronic. Personalities were changed last time because 15byears of different life choices occurred. This time they would have only gonna back a minute. This reasoning was utter stupidity. Going back a minute would have changed nothing. The only changes would have been to a future we didn't know.


The premise was stupid AF because they were already moving at Super speed and disarmed EVERYONE in the compound EXCEPT the fucking CHICK inside a fucking container.
To add insult to injury Dumb-ass Barry let her walk out at normal speed and tell her to "GIVE UP" and "IT'S OVER ANAKIN, I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!".
AND NOOOOOW he starts constantly moving at superspeed thereby slowing time.
Also, considering how many times he ran back to StarLABs and back to the compound WHILE everyone is still pretty much frozen THERE's NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL that CHICK should've gotten anywhere close to the GODDAMN container in the first place.
ITS LIKE in order to justify their unbelievable lack of insight on Flash lore the writers BANG themselves on the head after writing each episode in order to give themselves SELF-INDUCED AMNESIA.

It's like those early episodes when Snart and Rory were shooting their cold and fire guns and Barry made them cross the beams BECAUSE he can't possibly just knock the damn weapons out of their hands. ROFLMAO. THAT EPISODE WAS FULL OF STUPID.

Actually, if I start looking at it for every episode, I realize how dumb the writing has to be in order to CREATE challenge to OP character like Flash.
He has that advantage of moving and reacting at superspeed. DONT FUCKING SLOW down to talk to the "Villain of the week", CHECK THE WHOLE AREA, HOUSE, COMPOUND for hidden TRICKS, STOP HIS FUCKING PLAN. KNOCK HIM THE FUCK OUT. KEEP MOVING AT SUPERSPEED to make sure no victim left BEHIND. Wait for the cops to arrive and arrest the perpetrator. Get back to your sweet momma and have a cup of tea.
There, EPISODE done RIGHT and over in 5 minutes, NO FUCKING STUPID DRAMA and Barry needing 458 different PEP talks to do what he could in less than 5 minutes. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL.


I have to admit, I agree with everything you said, and the Episode III reference is more than fitting.


I have noticed that problem from day one. I liked the series, but I wish there would be more consistency.




It's a kiddie show, the writers think kids are too dumb to notice their lazy writing.
