Crisis on Earth-X

I picked here to post about this because The Flash seems to be the most popular of then 4 CW shows that are involved in this extended story. (I prefer LOT, but thought I'd get more traction over here.) I have to say that this story is the best I've seen out of these 4 shows this season. Best line, from Mick Rory, of course: "Best wedding ever." What grabs me is the friendship and bonding between the characters. The CW should do a lot more stuff like this, because it enriches and empowers each and every one of their characters. The first two crossover eps immediately took me back to Supeman 2, where Terrance Stamp (goodness, what an actor) says of Superman, "He cares about these humans?! . . . THAT is his weakness," while, in reality, THAT is the source of his strength. By finally, and with some semblance of actual thought, widening their superhero character stage to show the D.C. heroes engaged against the most dispicible
social and political movement thus far in the history of our planet while simultaneously attempting to start families, which is the most life-affirming and, I think, positive act of which we are capable, is (okay, perhaps melo)dramatic and inspirational. This is the best stuff that I have seen on the CW since season 1 of The Flash.


I love it! , It's by far the best crossover they have done.


Mick Rory was great in the whole lot, like how he was asleep at the wedding, when everyone went off fighting he walks in with a hot dog and no mustard, just so many little incidental other things in the background that he did. Like calling the doppelgangers gangbangers, his disgust at his doppelganger dying saving policemen, honestly starting to think he's one of the best second fiddle characters in a TV show in a long time.

Only thing that was a bit annoying was it was all very CW love story Soap Opera heavy and probably should've been named Crisis From Earth-X, wasn't much to with one actually on Earth-X.


I think overall The CW still has a lot of work to do with these shows/characters, but I agree with you. It wasn't perfect and I still feel like it's unnecessary to draw it out for 4 hours, but I did enjoy this event and I liked it more than the cross-over from last year.

Also, slightly OT: I wish The CW would air these cross-over events with their own special title like "CW/DC Presents Invasion!", "CW/DC Presents Crisis on Earth-X" etc. that way it would get its own TV credit on websites like this and IMDb and then when fans want to discuss the cross-over we have *one* designated spot/forum to meet and discuss it on instead of trying to decide which of the 4 shows to post on. Just a thought.


I think that is a great idea, ROG, but it might create a problem with the show budgets, reruns syndication or the season box-set Blu-ray packages. If the network were willing to create a standalone budget for a 23rd episode of each of the four series, keep each additional episode out of each series per se, and even market a standalone Blu-ray/4K of the crossover, THAT would make commercial and artistic sense.

Have Mick Rory, in character, do the optional commentary on the discs.

PS Absent advertising time, which is omitted from the discs, it's a tad under 3 hours for the entire crossover; but the Supergirl segment in both
crossovers thus far has had too much stuff irrelevant to the crossover. Shoot one coherent script with its own budget, and you're at, what?, 2 1/2 hours. That's longish, but you can pause the disc, take a wiss, eat some Lasagna, have some cocktails, and still enjoy.


I am confused. The "reverse Flash" is from Earth-X, correct? If so, where has he gone to?


I took it that he was from Earth - 1 (in the future) but somehow after his defeat in season one, he didn't die like we thought but ended up on Earth - X


Picking up from my topic post, where I commented about being reminded of the film, Superman 2, this crossover actually had Supergirl hover outside a window and ask, "General, would you care to step outside?"! I love it when a legend knows its own history! Was it lazy writing? It was the opposite: it was self-aware,-excite-the-fuck-out-of-me-from-40-years-ago-writing. If The CW can evoke the spirit of Christopher Reeve, an actor (and a REAL actor) whose personification of Kal-El I honestly believe will never be eclipsed, then The CW is on to something beyond what I thought they could do. Bravo.

PS Not for nothing, but Terrance Stamp's performance as General Zod in the referenced film was masterful.

PPS Franz Drameh (Jax) really delivered in the final episode. We have all put him down as being flat and not in sync with the rest of the Legends cast, and he HAS been, until now. Martin's death changed that. Those moments asked more of Franz than ever before, and, to me at least, he responded. Acting is not cerebral. Acting is emotional. I have a new, happy respect for Franz. How do you folks feel?


I totally geeked out when she said that line! Excellent reverance for the history and well-used.

I was wondering is Franz will still be on the show now that...well.....he's kind of useless and hardly legendary (unless it's revealed that that the entire Firestorm matrix transferred to Jax when Stein died). If this was his swan song, it's kind of sad he went out so....meh compared to Stein.


I don't share your enthusiasm of such crossover eps. They did it once in season 3, I think, with Arrow, Supergirl and Flash where some aliens attack Earth. I tried to follow it then. This time, I skipped it wholly. I don't watch any of the other shows (saw 1st season of Arrow). Didn't make much sense to me neither the storyline looked very appealing.


I don't actually care for crossovers, and, like you, didn't much like the one they did last year. I gave Earth-X a chance, and was very glad I did. You may have missed something, or not. Either way, the world does not end.
