WTF Happened???

I have never seen a show take a downward spiral so drastically and so quickly. It went from one of the few shows I looked forward to, to a cringe-fest.

The episodes have become goofy, yet unfunny. It's like an embarrassing self parody. The bachelorette girl power episode was beyond nauseating, and this week didn't improve anything.

The Council of Wells, or whatever they called it was one of the worst things I've ever seen. The characters were horrid.

It's like a group of 8 year olds took over as show runners.


This season has been very poor so far, like you said there's way too much 'comedy' which is not even remotely funny and the main Villain so far is boring as hell.


And then there's the stretchy guy. Not good.


Don't even get me started on that main villain. They're clearly going for some type of evil genius feel, but it comes across as a joke.


Agreed. Its unbeliveable how quick/drastic the change has been. Up until now it had its ups and downs but overall it was around average with a pretty decent episode here and there.
Yet lately, like its been pushed off a cliff. Ive stopped watching very very few show just like that, momentarily.But that abysmal feminist BS episode and now this. Are they trying to write terrible and awful episodes. I have trouble believing anyone is this dumb,writing this bubblegum,sugary, cliche ridden nonsense. Im done, this is getting so bad its ridiculous. Ill read the reviews and watch if theyre overall positive...cause lately, lots of people are finding this change cringeworthy.


The CW seems to have a habit of doing things like this, but this time it's overly horrible. I'm guessing, with the addition of Plastic Man, they're going to start adding more second tier characters. I think it failed with Arrow, and it will definitely fail here. I didn't even like it when they did it with Smallville.


Maybe they were told to kill the show to avoid confusion with Flash in JL and his upcoming standalone movie


Its more likely that the writers just suck and are lazy. From what I understand, in the industry, movie producers and tv producers not only don't talk/have influence over each others projects, they don't even know each other.


If that's what they were told, then job well done!
