New series possibilities here. Let Dibny meet the love of his life, Sue and become a successful private eye thanks to his new powers. Great fun watching the Flash recreate Quiicksilver's moves.
shareNew series possibilities here. Let Dibny meet the love of his life, Sue and become a successful private eye thanks to his new powers. Great fun watching the Flash recreate Quiicksilver's moves.
shareIt seems to me that this season the show is giving Gustin a lot more comic opportunites--the bachelor party, his suit blowing up like a balloon, the hilarious bad-luck backflip when he ran over the spilled ball-bearings--and I think he is doing (by CW standards) a fine job with the comic opportunity. So why did we need Dolby? This annoying schmo sets my teeth on edge. He a dumber, more obnoxious Mr. Fantastic.
shareDibny would probably say "Don't hate me, I'm just written that way." Remember, he's in a state of shock in this episode because something incredibly bizarre has just happened to him. Of course he's out of sorts. Once he fully accepts his new talent and realizes all of the different ways he can apply it you can bet he'll be effective and have some fun along the way.
shareI understand your points, and I appreciate the Jessica Rabbit allusion, but I am starting to wonder if the character was created in part, mainly or completely to accommodate an ad campaign for the Microsoft Surface. I see, for the second week in a row, there will be another streeeeeeeeched scene featuring Dibny, and sponsored by the Microsoft Surface. Certainly, commerce and art need not be mutually exclusive. Shakespeare wrote not for immortality, but for money. I would nonetheless like to know if the Dibny character was created by The Flash's show runners, or by The CW's advertising sales department.
shareRalph Dibny (Elongated Man) is a long established DC character who first appeared in an issue of The Flash in 1960. I won't go into a long winded explanation of his comic book history since you can search that out online.