MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > I like all the arrowverse shows but they...

I like all the arrowverse shows but they have one problem

They all have weak writing that results in the hero acting like an idiot. In all of these shows the heroes come off as stupid losers. They just can't find that balance between writing an exciting story and writing a hero who's not an idiot.

The Marvel Netflix shows don't have this problem and neither does Agent of SHIELD. So it can be done if you get the right writers.


And if you have any respect for your audience. I don't think the folks doing these shows do. The retarded motivation of the characters and the condescending sciencebabbable have gone on too long to suggest otherwise.


Yep. That's also my biggest problem with these shows. Arrow is especially bad in this department.


Barry is a way bigger idiot than Ollie. Flashpoint, anyone?


Except that incident wasn't bad writing like it is on Arrow. Flashpoint was just a big mistake made at a very emotional time for him (*SPOILER ALERT* When his father was murdered right in front of him). Oliver constantly does stupid things for some reason. He's supposed to be smart. He's supposed to be highly trained. He's supposed to have experience but none of that factors in when he decides he's going to do something that is obviously stupid (i.e. climb that elevator shaft without checking for traps when its the only obvious way out and etc).


Heck, this season Oliver and his team have been so utterly incompetent that he has to recruit a team of villains to save them all. This guy's a super hero?


Neither super nor a hero really.


That's the thing. Ollie isn't smart, he's an emotionell wreck of a man. He doesn't think, he acts and reacts.


Except he IS supposed to be smart, tactically at the very least, and they've said as much on the show before. Even John, a highly trained soldier, called Oliver "one of the smartest men he knows" in an episode a while back.

The problem is that there are no characters on Arrow there are just people who do whatever the writers want them to do that week. It's frustrating.


I thought it was pretty obvious that this Prometheus-thing is taking a huge psychological hit on Ollie. He's broken, sad, angry and scared. Things like this apparently affects Ollie a great big deal. I believe it's to show us that he may be a killer, a murderer even, but not a full-on psychopath.


The first season of Arrow was amazing. It was dark and gritty, didn't dwell on emotions too much. Then came season 2, The Flash, Legends and it all evolved into the diluted, sugary water that is Supergirl.


Barry makes a lot of bad decisions but it never bothered me before Flashpoint. He went too far and sooo many people are suffering because of it, sigh.


And he learned nothing from that. Otherwise, he wouldn't do ridiculously stupid things like snatching Snart from a previous time, both the 19th century and "last year" in the show's "real-time". If something would have happened to Leonard while on that futile mission, the whole timeline of the Arrowverse would have been screwed, starting with probably all the Legends, some of which he calls friends, ending up dead.
Another thing felt not right during season 3: when Barry created the new timeline (after realizing his mistake with creating Flashpoint), the timeline from S3, how can it still be Earth 1 in the multiverse? Shouldn't it be more something like Earth some infinite number?


so true if these shows and better writers they would be so much better.


Yup. But I see all of them going the same way. Supergirl and her team will most likely get their butts kicked over and over next season and then in the last episode barely defeat the big bad through some lame plot device. SMH.
