85% Peptalks
15% story and predictable reveal. That percentage may be an overly generous estimation.
Some (rhetorical) questions this episode raises:
-Why does Savitar need to wear the suit when giving KF a peptalk now that she knows who he is, other than to draw out the reveal?
-KF hates Barry, so why would she be so willing to help Savitar now that it is revealed it is a future him? (This is the least irritating, since it could be argued that evil Caitlyn has more in common with evil Barry, just as good Caitlyn has more in common with good Barry)
-Barry has accelerated healing. Why would Savitar have those scars? Does he not have super speed without the suit? Or do they just need to add something to make him look more evil and establish a clear distinction between the two?
-So this is not THE future Barry, but a POSSIBLE future Barry? Read the Flash wiki page on Savitar, his biography, actions and motivations are so convoluted its incomprehensible. The writers have never done a very good job of informing the audience of when time travel means travelling within the same timeline or alternate timeline travel. Its become so interchangeable in service of the plot. Also if it is alternate, possible future Barry, that renders the consequences /philosophical implications of Barrys actual future, meaningless.
-Characters keep lying, keep secrets or push people away to protect them, i.e.: Joe in this episode. Have the characters learned nothing at this point after everything they've been through? This never works. So to continue to do this with the characters now is clearly a way to draw out the plot and only makes the characters look like idiots who never learn.
-It seems like a cumbersome, slightly drawn out process for evil Barry to take off his transformer suit. So why doesn't good Barry tackle and kill or K.O. him immediately after evil Barry de-Megatrons himself? Too easy I suppose, because we have to keep drawing this out.
Other thoughts: The reveal would have packed more punch if it had come way sooner, but by this point, everyone had already guessed it was future Barry. And it seems like a good bet that they are setting up Cecile to be the one who gets off'd by Savitar instead of Iris. I think they should fire the writers and/or shorten the season order to 13 eps per season. Because the show is reaching "Heroes" level of bad.