Rank Arrowverse

1. The Flash S1
2. Arrow S2
3. The Flash S2
4. Arrow S1
5. Legends of Tomorrow S2 (so far)
6. Legends of Tomorrow S1
7. Arrow S3
8. Arrow S4
9. Arrow S5 (so far)
10. The Flash S3 (so far)
11. Supergirl S1


I still feel Arrow Season 2 will always be the best, followed by Flash Season 1 and then Arrow Season 1.


1 The flash
2 Supergirl
3 Legends of Tomorrow

Not going to bother rating arrow as I haven't really watched it except for the crossovers. It's probably decent but I was never a fan of the Green Arrow.


1. Arrow
2. Flash
3. Legends of tomorrow
4. Supergirl
5. Constantine


1. The Flash season 1
2. Arrow season 2
3. The Flash season 2
4. Arrow season 1
5. The Flash season 3 / Arrow season 5
6. Arrow season 3
7. Legends of Tomorrow season 2
8. Supergirl season 1
9. Legends of Tomorrow season 1
10. Supergirl season 2
11. Arrow season 4


As far as the current seasons go:


And I don't watch Supergirl regularly.


The first episode of Supergirl this season was good but then every episode from there on have just become worse. There's really no story to actively follow and half the season has already passed.

Legends has only had one great episode this season so far and that's the one where the villains took up most of the screen time. The villains are at least five times more entertaining to watch. The random "we must stop this time abberation in year ..." episodes are kind of tiring. In my opinion they should make those episodes only for humour and comedy like the episode with George Lucas. This latest episode where we got five minutes or more of Rip slowly walking through the halls of the Waverider was pretty boring. Sara dying for like the 5th time or whatever, Gideon makes them all immortals pretty much. Overall it's been better than season 1 and I hope it continues to be for the rest of the season.


Arrow Season 2
Arrow Season 1
Flash Season 2
Arrow Season 3
Flash Season 1
Arrow Season 5
Arrow Season 4

haven't watched legends or supergirl




Flash just has most of the good characters i think most of them are likeable, it has Tom Cavanagh which is think is the most enjoyable actor here out of any of them and i think flash's storyline is the best overall (and even tho people don't seem to like him i also quite enjoy the Harry potter actor)

Arrow has the best lead and some good characters aswell but dosn't quite reach flash

Legends i'm sorry is not so great..i heard season 2 was better but i gave up near the end of the first

Supergirl is one of the worst written shows i have ever witnessed, just the fact that it has the same ''universe'' as flash makes me a bit sick, the writing feels like a soft-propaganda at times and a parody of a ''girl superhero'' at others (like the mock-up black widow trailer that marvel made)..and if that wasn't enough the cast overall is just bad


1) arrow season 2
2) flash season 1
3) arrow season 1
4) arrow season 5 so far
5) first half of flash season 2

And then I don't care anymore


1. Legends of Tomorrow S2
2. Legends of Tomorrow S1
3. Arrow S2
4. Arrow S1
5. Arrow S3
6. The Flash S1
7. The Flash S2

I find that Arrow, since the middle of S4 and most of S5, as well as Flash S3, are not worth mentioning at all.
I haven't seen Supergirl.
