It would have actually been good IF ( Spoilers)
Just watched it , My Expectations were probably a lot higher than they should have been b/c of the Directors & cast members . I actually thought it started off pretty good and had a great pace , the characters were all pretty likable ( Danielle Harris , Kaj Eriksen , and Chelan Simmons in particular ) and the setting was cool , HOWEVER the chase scenes got repetitive really fast ( running in a maze of dark halls ) and the KILLS severely lacked gore / creativity .
There were some really great set ups with Chelan's character when she get's lost , The Scene with two pairs of characters on each side of the glass wall could have been more suspenseful ( although I was genuinely surprised when Katherine Isabelle died in that situation , Best kill in the movie IMO ) I did like the twist that it was a Final Guy instead of girl but I really liked Danielle's character & it sucked to see her die on her Bday , I liked that she wasn't so tough and a lot more vulnerable this time as opposed to being the tough chick.
If The Kills were more creative and the chase scenes more planned out / suspenseful it would have been as good as the first IMO