MovieChat Forums > See No Evil 2 (2014) Discussion > Danielle Was Disappointing

Danielle Was Disappointing

I really like her, but she overacted so much here & gave a really terrible performance :/ I was expecting a lot more from her character </3

I wish Katharine Isabelle had been the leading lady instead. She was hilarious & stole every scene, would've loved more of her

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


I loved danielle harris in the movie, i thought her acting was fine. it was definitely better than her acting in hatchet, which wasn't bad at all but i felt like her performance in those was more over the top.


Yes , definitely thought her character was good . !!!!!


Im a huge Danielle fan and I really dug her in this , I liked that she was more of the innocent / vulnerable girl this time instead of the tough / feisty type she usually plays , it made her death ( aside from the fact she's essentially the final girl) more shocking & ... sad .


I thought both her and Kathrine were great,I wish Kathrine had more screen time

Old Toby,..the finest weed in the South Farthing


I thought she was great. She had some bad line readings in her speech to her brother when she blew up at him but otherwise good work.



Danielle was Oscar worthy over Katharine's mind-numbingly bad, embarrassing "performance". no question about it. i love both actresses (and i really like Chelan) but i can't even believe anyone would seriously say it was Danielle who "overacted" and that Katharine gave a good performance. LOL. the most ridiculous thing i've heard in a while.

now if this movie was supposed to be a COMEDY, then yes, i'd agree that Katharine was very good (i can see her being really good in an actual comedy) but this was supposed to be a horror movie the last time i checked. i'm actually shocked that Katharine was so bad in this because she's been excellent in every project of her's that i've seen.

also the fact people are saying "she was hilarious" makes me think some of you think this was a comedy and a not a horror movie. lol.



That was her character. She supposed to acted that way and in my opinion she did good. In the frightening parts, she was good, she knew how to mixed her crazy a$$ character and fear. On the other hand I am surprised with Danielle who didnt overact in this film. Both girls were good here and the movie wasnt bad, although not great neither. Sadly, I cant say the same with Chelan Simmons, she was terrible here. ANd this movie is not take that seriously, Katherine Isabelles character supposed to be funny and if you laughed or simply find it amusing or annoying, then thats what her character supposed to do and did. You know that there a lot of "funny" characters in horror movies and that doesnt mean they are doing a comedy or they are portraying their character in the wrong way, just because its a horror movie doesnt mean all characters should be "serious".
