MovieChat Forums > See No Evil 2 (2014) Discussion > Here's my alternate ending to SNE2

Here's my alternate ending to SNE2

Just as Jacob is about to kill Amy, Seth cuts off Jacob's left arm. Seth and Amy then staple Jacob's crotch to a platform and then, Seth and Amy trap Jacob in a chamber and Jacob suffers getting plastic doll arms and legs seared onto his body. Just as Seth and Amy are about to leave, Seth is knocked out by Jacob and just as Jacob is about to kill Amy, Amy douses hot plastic wax onto Jacob. Then, Seth wakes up from unconsciousness. Seth and Amy look at Jacob's body being seared by the plastic wax. Just then, Jacob then rises and tries to attack Seth but Seth grabs an air hose and shoves it into Jacob's mouth. Seth and Amy then watch as Jacob inflates and eventually blows up like a balloon splattering wax and gore all over the place. The doors eventually open and Seth and Amy are free to go. Amy asks Seth, "Where are we going?". Seth replies, "We're going home." Amy asks, "Where's home?" Seth replies, "I have no idea."

I'm from Canada and I'm wasted!


I just watched Childs Play 2 yesterday evening. =)

The Park Is Open June 12th.
Spared no expense!
