MovieChat Forums > See No Evil 2 (2014) Discussion > First slasher movie I've enjoyed in twen...

First slasher movie I've enjoyed in twenty years.


I thought the characters were fresh and three dimensional. Jacob actually had lines and had a character, with conflicts. The cinematography was great, given the budget and shooting schedule. The writers/directors tried to something different with the female characters. The acting ranged from superb to good. Katharine Isabelle's character was hilarious and gross. The clothed sex scene between Isabelle and Lee Majdoub was so hot I wanted to tell Jacob to lie back down. That had to be the hottest clothed sex scene in cinema history, or close to it.. The editing was good and well-finished. The pacing was great. There was only one point where things stopped for character and subplot, and that only lasted a few minutes.

They avoided the idiot plot horror cliches, such as everybody willfully splitting up.

One draw back I liked the characters so much I felt terrible when they died. I guess outside the slasher subgenre, that's how you should feel toward horror movie characters.

I know they were trying to overthrow the "last girl" cliche, but did everybody have to die at the end? After Amy dies, the wind went out of the plot for me. I began to cheer for Seth, but . . .


I disagree with all these points.

The flashbacks for Jacob should have been taken out. I could have done without his talking.

While Katherine is pretty, she was too goofy raunchy over the top for me to take the scene seriously.

All the characters were stupid. Except I wanted the wheelchair guy to survive.
