This is nonsense. The homosexuals are supporting players dedicated to helping a relatively plain looking woman from humble beginnings win over the "crown prince". This movie taps into classic female wish fantasies, not social justice.
The female protagonist is certainly not the prettiest girl, but we're supposed to believe she has substance; she woos the most desirable man through her charm, passion and authenticity (e.g., she lures him back into bed for morning sex with a cartoonish hubba-hubba, not flaunting her ass). She'll be a great mom. While females find wealth attractive, our protagonist didn't know her prince was a prince, which means we can't say she's a gold-digging whore (again, she has too much substance). She's smart, but somewhat naive when it comes to evil in the world. Her enemies are other women -- young and beautiful, old and fork-tongued. The male love-interest is just about perfect. His main "flaw," after all, is that he didn't tell her he's rich. Other men are less handsome, less wealthy, less tall, and far more adulterous. This guy loves his mother, but he loves plain-Jane even more.
Women identify with the lead as female wish fulfillment.