MovieChat Forums > Manhattan Nocturne (2016) Discussion > Tries, and fails, to inject pulpy noir i...

Tries, and fails, to inject pulpy noir into modern New York

Wet city streets! Dangerous dames! Weary, sarcastic narration! Mysterious murders! Men of power and wealth summoning characters to expensive looking rooms to delve out threats! Blackmail! Danger! All the trappings of a classic noir mystery are present in Manhattan Night, a sometimes slick but mostly dull attempt to drop a pulpy 1950s-style mystery into modern day New York.


Does Yvonne at least show some skin?


She's almost naked and masturbating on bathroom


It is missing a proper villain.


They set up Hobbs to be, then turned around and made him sympathetic. Simon, however, was pretty damn twisted. He preyed on his wife's vulnerabilities and past trauma to the point of absolute cruelty.
