Sorry everyone but

I think it's time these guys stopped making these movies. I mean I waited a long time to finally it and I was very disappointed. It's no different to the other film or the series apart from the fact it actually isn't that funny at all. The only reason I watched until the end was so i could drool over the gorgeous Emily Berrington.


You didn't like it. Plenty of people did. The solution isn't for them to walk away. The solution is for you to walk away. Problem solved.


Well I'm entitled to my opinion so how about this for a solution...... Get f####d.

Victims...........arent we all.


So you're entitled to your opinion but he isn't? Mature.
Them making another movie won't effect you, if you're not interested in any further movies, don't watch them. Simple. Other people might be interested, and believe it or not these movies aren't made purely for your benefit.

Personally I was also disappointing with this movie, I didn't find it very funny, it had a few moments which were fairly amusing at best, but overall it was only passable. And by far the worst part was how they completely ruined Lucy, who was easily the nicest of the girls from the first movie.

However that doesn't mean I think they should stop. If they want to make a third movie, let them. Just because this one disappointed doesn't automatically mean a third movie would, they might take on some of the constructive feedback on board, (that's the kind of feedback that extends beyond 'you don't agree with my opinion so get f####d.')



I thought it was hilarious. So i think that just shows comedy is subjective and not everyone has a sense of humour.

Lot of people found 21 Jump street funny. I thought it was a pile of excrement.

"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane"



Yeah that's great champ, drooling over a fat arsed blonde bitch. More constructively it would be great to see the South East Asia trip as a third instalment.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


I see you have a thing for ladyboys
