Confusing Things

When Liz first texted Dave pretending to be Cari, she asks him to move in with her. It showed a text from Dave saying, "We talked about this." That was confusing to me. That doesn't make sense because her demand was seemingly coming out of nowhere. Did the editors add in his response? I don't think Cari would be asking him to move in when they'd only been dating for 2 weeks.

Also, if Dave and Liz had rekindled their romance during the time all the bad stuff was going on, why didn't Liz stop the harrassment. Presumably, she had what she wanted at the time so why keep going?

She burned her own house down with her pets inside. I guess that's not confusing and maybe it answers my previous question. Perhaps she just went off the rails completely and started doing stuff that didn't make sense.

I'm still puzzled about that first text, though.
