SPOILERS - What compelled Lance to, eventually, ...
... come clean re. his history of drug abuse?
... come clean re. his history of drug abuse?
All the evidence piled against him. When Floyd Mandis tested positive and eventually came clean himself, it led to Lance coming forward after all the testimony of past teammates etc
shareHe was facing multiple law suits. In the end it became about trying to settle suits where he must but hang on to his fortune in an efficacious way. If that meant telling some truths he did that.
Kisskiss, Bangbang
I got the impression he wasn't liking not being in the spotlight anymore. His younger teammate was now winning and getting to stand on the highest step, while Lance was relegated to the third/lowest step. He seemed to crave being in spotlight, having people pay attention to him. He got more attention by confessing. Why'd he disclose on Oprah?!!! I figure because, again, he liked being in the spotlight.