MovieChat Forums > Kickboxer: Vengeance (2016) Discussion > kickboxer vengeance teaser poster + pics

kickboxer vengeance teaser poster + pics


It says 1990's lol clearly the film was released in 1989. The person who wrote that is an idiot,


I truly wish somehow people could feel what I feel for Just 30 Seconds...Because its the only way I could ever describe what the Film Kickboxer means to me...I could never put into words how I feel about Kickboxer and Basically what my "relationship" is to that movie.

First JCVD is my all time favorite Action Star(as a child JCVD truly was my hero), and Kickboxer is my favorite movie of his...but it goes way beyond that...

Kickboxer basically represents my childhood, Like all of us , we all have films that remind us of our child hood...Kickboxer is mine, I'm 29 now, when Kickboxer came out I was between 4 and 8 years old, I literally watched it countless times, probably weekly for years on VHS, I watched in so may times, My mom and to re-record 3 different times because I wore the tapes out...

after every time I watched it, I'd always Play/Pretend a was fighting some Monster like Tong Po...or in some Tournament like Bloodsport...

There is Literally no other thing,Movie or person that reminds me of my childhood more than The Movie Kickboxer...whenever I see on TV,On The Net or read anything about it, Words truly can't describe the feelings I get when I think about that Movie...

I'm very exciting for The new reboot...I saw the pictures online that you posted the other day,and I've got to say I very surprised...

when I first heard they were making this movie, the first thing that came to mind was, My God who will they get to Play Tong Po, IMO Tong Po is literally one of the most terrifying Villains ever, He's truly scary to look at, and His fighting style was Brutal in The MOvie...they absolutely 100% nailed The Character of Tong Po perfectly and Cast the perfect person to play him...

So I naturally thought, Kicboxer would be a huge letdown because Tong Po couldn't help but be a letdown because of how truly great he was in the Original...

when I heard they cast Dave Bastista, I basically had no reaction, I didn't think he'd be terrible but I didn't think he'd be great...

But after seeing The Picture of Bastista as Tong Po, I'm very surprised, IMO he's looks great and I could actually see him pulling off the character now ...

leemall-"Paul Walkers Death Had Zero Impact On F7's Hype And Box Office Results"
