Van Damme dubbed ?

certain scenes his voice sounded unnaturally deep



certain scenes his voice sounded unnaturally deep

Yes, he's dubbed throughout the whole film. During the final fight and some of the training scenes. It was flat out laughable and took me out of the film.

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He was really the best part of the movie but yea, he was dubbed in certain scenes for whatever reason but not the whole movie.

Makes you appreciate his version of Kickboxer. Was much better in every way possible. He really knows how to emulate fighting much better than any of these guys I this film.


I noticed it instantly and it was bad, very bad. I kept looking at Van Damme's lips when he was dubbed over and it didn't even match up in timing most scenes so it was poorly executed all around. I know Van Damme's accent is thick at times but that always added to his charisma in his films. I kept thinking maybe one reason they did it was to pay homage to the original how Eric's character who was played by Dennis Alexio was completely dubbed over the whole film. Probably not the reason, more likely Van Damme wasn't available to come back in post production so they hired some bum to say say his lines and covered over his voice.


. I kept thinking maybe one reason they did it was to pay homage to the original how Eric's character who was played by Dennis Alexio was completely dubbed over the whole film. Probably not the reason, more likely Van Damme wasn't available to come back in post production so they hired some bum to say say his lines and covered over his voice.

Was just going to say this. I hated how Dennis Alexio was dubbed over in the orignal for the DVD releases onwards. completely lacked the conviction, emotion and personality.


Join my Facebook kickboxer page (Kickboxer Movie 1989) to see Eric with his original audio track and full uncut version of the film not available anywhere else


Noticed this too...

They keep switching between the deeper voice and his natural voice... Stupid, considering this is a famous actor whose voice we all know :\


I watched it last night. The dubbing in this was really obvious, and it was used in almost half of his scenes. The dubbing is on par with some of Seagal's DTV films. At least it's a step up from the obvious double work and terrible green screen of Pound of Flesh.

If you're going to dub a highly recognized action star, at least get a guy who sounds like Van Damme. There were a couple of scenes where Van Damme is talking off screen, and the dubbing is so bad that you think that another character magically showed up. LMAO. It's so bad. Thankfully, his performance in here is more jubilant, and it looks like he had fun on set.

The use of terrible dubbing still puzzles me, because Van Johnson has top quality production values across the board. Yet, Van Johnson is just a TV show. I figure they rushed some of the post-production work due to the last minute change up of Tony Jaa and Van Damme. Van Damme was not originally suppose to be a major character in this "reboot". He maybe was originally suppose to just have a few scenes like in Day of Reckoning.

Action Hero's Anthem


This killed the movie for me. Can anyone explain to me why they dub an actors voice in post-production? Is it because the sound of his voice wasn't captured well by the boom operator or whatever? I apologize if this is a dumb question but I am in shock at how awful the dubbing was in this movie.


I haven't seen this yet, but finding out his voice is dubbed when there's no reason for it to be already sours things a bit.

As for Seagal, I know his voice is dubbed in many movies; in some of them, the dubbing is at least passable (at least the dubber tried to emulate Seagal's speaking style), and in others it makes for unintended hilarity in how little he sounds like Seagal's. It's because the filmmakers want to keep the budget down. So instead of rehiring Seagal for a few more days, they just hire a voice double. He is certainly not the only actor in movies to have his voice dubbed over when it doesn't need to be.

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