Product pricing
30 to 40$ candles? I understand that those are US made, but similar products made in China is 5 to 10$.
8$ popcorn bag, 40$ per 2 gallon bucket? Truly premium popcorn, because here bag costs less than 2 $ and in movie you can buy 2 gallon bucket and 2 sodas for 15$.
12 $ per pound for a coffee and they had 4 ounces more than regularly. This is quite reasonably priced, but seeing owners that don't know anything about roasting it is bit overpriced. Regular coffee is about 4$ per pound and medium business premiums are max 10$ per pound. Of course there is also high end hipster coffee which might cost 20$ per pound, but usually those hipsters are professionals and have great story behind that coffee.
Lots of these products they sell in this and Shark Tank are manufactured in China, India, Mexico or Vietnam and major factor in price is transport. Of course manufacturing is more expensive in US (or in Finland), but your response time for market fluctuations are faster , transportation expenses smaller and especially spoilage is smaller. Some of Finnish companies have returned back to Finland, because local manufacturing is more flexible than manufacturing in Asia and eventually cheaper.
So manufacturing small volumes of premium candles is cheaper in Finland than having them manufactured in China. Also popcorn costs about 70 cents per gallon to manufacture and those are fresh, not pre-made in bag.