Karen Walker

They did an excellent job of making Karen Walker the perfect and beautiful spy, who is also looked up to, smug and arrogant, but getting her brains blown out was not a good enough death for her. I wish McCarthy's character would have yanked Walker out of the car, beat her like a rag doll and thrown her in front of a speeding bus. Anyone else hsve any death fantasies for that despicable, evil woman?


I would have wanted Karen Walker to have confessed to being a Russian penetration agent; and that her real name is Anastasia Beaverhausen.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


I can't hear the name without thinking of the REAL Karen Walker. :)


OMG !!!! I didn't think of that!

I love the REAL Karen Walker...


Me too!! Every time they said her name, I kept thinking of the one true KAREN WALKER!!


I would have wanted Karen Walker to have confessed to being a Russian penetration agent; and that her real name is Anastasia Beaverhausen.

nice...K.W would love that.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


Honestly she was just too minor for me to hate. And her smugness and arrogance is an informed attribute that just makes Nancy look like she's just jealous.


I can't believe anyone would get so twisted by this.
