New Carrie has been Cast

And not to be a jerk, but this actress actually does have a head un-proportionate to her body Like Carrie is supposed to in petals!

Announcement (which was later rewetted by the actresses verified twitter account) asts-bunheads-bailey-buntain.html

Google images where you can see what I was talking about; amp; amp;source=univ&sa=X&ei=ivIMU_TpD6Hi2AXH5YDYAg&sqi=2&v ed=0CCUQsAQ&biw=1212&bih=607

"BOOM! bazooka joe." -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


She was good in Bunheads, and I think she's very pretty. I like the casting.


She looks like Carrie to me. I don't know her previous work but I hope she does well in this film because I'm looking forward to it.


They REALLY needed a female "little person" actress for this.


I have not read petals in a long time but I thought she was just very small and not really disproportionate. I figured she would be small do to lack of nutrition and being stuck in the attic but that she would not have the "little person" look because that is another medical condition.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


It's said that her head was disproportionately large too. But there is a suggestion/implication that her condition might be some kind of genetic defect which was the result of incest (in which case Cory would have had it too, but he died before it became clear). Chris and Cathy believe that Carrie's failure to grow was the result of nutritional deficiency, not enough exercise, fresh air, or sunlight during crucial growth years. That's possible. But so is the genetic angle.

I think that by casting a little person as Carrie you're not leaving any room for that ambiguity. It's taking a definite stance on the matter and saying that this is a medical condition with which she was born. To me that's a mistake because it makes it less interesting.

Baily is very petite (5"0) and I'm sure that they'll keep her in flats and put Cathy in heels and do a lot in terms of perspective to make her seem even shorter. Her head can look rather large depending on how her hair is styled and the angle of the camera. Again, that's something that they can emphasize when shooting.
Look at her here with the cast of Bunheads. She's en point in this picture but even so she is significantly and noticeable smaller than the rest of the cast:
in this shot she's wearing high heels as are a few other cast members. She still comes up to their chests. Take the heels away from her and leave them on the others and she'll look much shorter.

With some techniques like that there's ambiguity. She could be suffering from some for of dwarfism (which is often defined as an adult height of less than 4"10) or she could simply be short due to environmental factors during growth.
