Christopher's Diary : Secrets Of Foxworth
New Dollanganger Series book by the V.C. Andrews ghost writer. Anybody checked it out? If so, what were your thoughts?
shareNew Dollanganger Series book by the V.C. Andrews ghost writer. Anybody checked it out? If so, what were your thoughts?
shareI'd like to read this (out of curiosity, not as respect for the writer!)...but I can't! I'm too scared that Neiderman will try to re-write history, try to re-write what happened in the attic!
And that would be a travesty to the original FitA...
I'll probably relent one day and eventually read it... 😔
ELPHABA: Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen.share
From what I gather most older fans aren't happy about it. As it does some "damage" that's a lot harder to swallow then Garden of Shadows.
But that's assuming this series doesn't end with a reveal that the main character is in a mental psych ward and is fantasizing a way of including herself in the world of the series after reading about them.
And if it doesn't, I recommend every one just run with that idea anyway. With the last two movies being burned off, I doubt the series is continuing after the third comes out.
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Let me just add to this:
If we are supposed to take this straight as Neiderman's way of continuing the saga, I think most people would be inclined to think it's a very poor creative choice way of doing it.
But that being said there is still at least one whole book left to be told. So it is entirely possible for there to be a promotional purpose all just a dream, a MSA-esque conspiracy reveal or just even for the sake of it a "he's not who he claims to be" twist.
If any such thing happens, my opinion of the series as a whole may change, but if it doesn't, I think i'll just go about pretending what I suggested above and whenever asks say I preferred the books of the first much better then the second.
But even then I hate when people try to tell me I shouldn't want to intake something. After all what's the freaking point, I want to read/watch/play it and form my own opinion. So while I think so far there's some interesting merits I'd say it seems most people come out more "mad" then "disappointed" from these reads (check out Amazon or Goodreads) but I'm more on the "disappointed" side. I'm not going to tell anyone not to read this, but I just caution that's so far it seems to not really be what most expected or wanted.
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So this is one that belongs on the same shelf as 'Rhett Butler's People'?