MovieChat Forums > Flowers in the Attic (2014) Discussion > All Ways Chris and Cathy are Related?

All Ways Chris and Cathy are Related?

Hi -

The novel and the film tell us that Chris and Cathy are full brother and sister.

Then they find out that their parents were half-uncle and niece.

Thus, their father was also their half-great uncle?

Their mother was also their father's half-niece. What does this make Corrine to them other than their mom?

Also, the prequel novel "Garden of Shadows" tell us us that



Christopher Sr. and Corrine were actually 1/2 brother and sister. They shared the same mother, Alicia.

Alicia was madly in love with her husband (Malcolm's father) Garland and bore him Chrisopher Sr.

3 years later, after Garland died, Malcolm forced himself on Alicia many times and made her pregnant. She bore Corrine and was bullied into leaving her with Malcolm and Olivia to raise.

The novels lead us to believe that Olivia never told Christopher of Corrine the truth about her parentage.

Therefore, what is the FULL degree and extent of Christopher and Cathy's relationship, including degrees "removed"?

Thanks in advance for any help!!
"What person who is nothing like me are you saying that to?" - House


Talk about weaving a twisted web, basically because there parents are 1/2 brother and sister, to the children they are both there mum and dad and when you think about it their aunt and uncle, this then makes there grandfather both grandpa and uncle because Malcom is actually Chris Snr's half brother and to twist it up even more because Chris Snr and Corrine are 1/2 brother and sister it makes their children both siblings and cousins.... phew this is one confusing family tree!!!


Olivia did tell them the truth after they were caught in bed together, but by then they didn't care.


Oliva never tells them they are half siblings.


Olivia didn't tell Chris and Corrinne they're brother and sister; she tells John Amos after they leave. They don't ever find out I don't think


For the most part I don't think there are terms for such complex incest relations.

Christopher Sr and Corrine are maternally half-brother and half-sister. Paternally Christopher is Corrine's Half-Uncle (as he is Malcolm's half brother). I'm not sure if Corrine is technically "legal adopted" in this case, but Adoptive Uncle might apply here as well.

Cathy and Chris as both their kids drags us down farther. They are siblings to one another, that's simple.

To Corrine, She is their Mother and Step-Aunt
To Chris Sr, He is their Father and the Half-Great-Uncle (half-brother to their grandfather)
To Malcolm they are his Grandchildren via Corrine, yet also his half-niece and half-nephew via Christopher
To Olivia, they are her adopted-grandchildren via Corrine and and half-niece-in-law and nephew-in-law(????is that even right??? or would they just be Affinity relatives)

I don't even want to start considering the titles Cathy's kids would have....

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Their family tree has no branches.

That's the best way I can put it.


They are so inbred they only have one real grandmother instead of two; family tree like a telephone pole.


 Perfect analogy!
