Heather Graham...

Usually a fan of hers but I feel she was terribly miscast as the mother. She didn't seem believable and the acting was really bad... It felt like she was reading from cue card... The inflection in her voice going from up to down with every other line. Pretty bad performance from her but the rest of the cast I felt were pretty good... Particularly Burstyn.


I agree that she was not the best choice for the mother, she played it way too un-knowing...Corrine knew what she was getting into and what she was putting her children thru. I love Heather, but I agree that she was mis-cast in this part. She played it too pretty and dumb.


I agree about Ms. Graham's acting choices. She fit the character perfectly physically but in no other ways. I think her actor's instinct to make everything fresh, as though she were seeing and reacting to things for the first time, totally collided with the character she was supposed to play. There are many different theories and methodologies to acting. Although I am not a Heather fan, in this case I think she picked the wrong methodology and approach to the role. Even before shiznit got real, she seemed more of a wide eyed, innocent child than the kids in the movie did.

What do you think? Bad approach to the role, bad director or simply bad acting?


All three. But Graham isnt known for being a bad actor and the bad acting was not isolated to her (other than Ellen Burstyn, it was pretty much across the board for all the main characters including ALL the children). For me it was so bad that I wondered if it was in some way purposeful (was she trying to seem stiff and fake to symbolize the fact that she was superficial and trying to keep her neat 50's happy face facade on?) But you dont need to act BADLY to do that so Ive rejected that notion which makes me conclude its just bad direction and an unwillingness to press it to get worthy performances. So I think the director is ultimately responsible for the sad state of the acting in this movie which is a shame because knowing that at LEAST Graham and Shipka are both capable of solid performances, it didnt need to come out of production this way. Was it because it was essentially a made for TV movie that he felt it didnt need polish or that they could just go through the motions? I really do wonder...

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


I totally agree. I also like her and think she's cute but her performance was SO bad! Especially when she catches Christopher out of the room, her reaction was like a sophomore in a high school play, strangely dramatic without any real feeling.


I agree with the sophomore in a high school play comment! Throughout the movie i couldn't help but think back to watching rehearsals for plays when i was 15... Except those kids were doing it for free. The acting just felt like between page and screen there was too little time.


Thank god others noticed.... Overall a good film but she shouldn't be clearing any space on her mantle.


I thought her acting was terrible in this and she just seemed to have the same facial expression throughout


yeah I guess she thinks that face with her bulging her eyes is acting! LOL!



As for looks, she was perfectly cast...she looked like how I imagined Corrine. I will say her acting could have been better, but honestly I didn't find it quite as awful as others here do.

"It's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you aren't."


I agree. I haven't read the books so I'm just basing my opinion off the movie but I thought she was great.


She's quite a bit like what you see in the remake in the book. She's supposed to be fairly young and beautiful and even says about herself she doesn't know how to do much besides be pretty. She doesn't give a lot of cares to what happens as long as she gets her way.

"It's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you aren't."


That's just how some people talk. I've met people that act somewhat like that but the thought doesn't cross my mind that they sound fake.



Have to say something was definitely off with her in this movie. I haven't seen a lot from her but she never stood out as someone who was a bad actor before. Maybe just the wrong approach to the character or wrong direction.
