Extremely entertaining

This movie isn't gonna win awards for subtext, but damn you if i wasn't entertained 100% throughout the movie!
Then again, i've played FPS games all my life, as well as i enjoy the ol' PoV porn :)

You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake


I agree. They didn't make this movie to win an Oscar for the screenplay etc. They made it to be an exciting, faced paced action movie. And they did just that.

They did an amazing job with the stunts, editing, and pacing of the movie. Had a very strong "Crank" pace to it.

I was shocked how fast the end of the movie came. I was entertained the whole way through.


Had a very strong "Crank" pace to it.

i get your point and all. but Crank (2006) is a much better movie.

-Crank (2006) - 7.5-8/10 (within my Top 100-ish movies (basically within my Top 128 movies))

-Hardcore Henry (2015-2016) - 5/10 (Thumbs Down. but it's decent enough for a viewing as it's something different given it's shown from the first person and feels like a video game with the way the camera works. i will say it's well done for what it is but in terms of bottom line entertainment it just does not have any re-watch value which is what ultimately makes or breaks a movie in the long term for me.)

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! = http://goo.gl/EYFYdz


I thought Crank was horrible, but based on your dislike of movies that I would consider classics, such as Memento and Inception, I can see we have quite different taste in movies. That being said, Hardcore Henry blew me away and my eyes were hooked on the screen from start to finish. Definitely a viewing experience unlike any other. I wanted to see it again immediately upon completion and I never feel that way about movies. If I do watch them again, it has to be a few years down the road, but Hardcore Henry deserves to be seen again right away.

