Too Long??

I haven't seen either film yet, but is 2 hrs and 24 mins too long or is it about right for the type of horror film this is?


It's 24 not 14 and no it's not too long. It's actually quite a perfect length for this.


It IS too long. I mean, it's nice when a horror movie bothers dimensionalizing characters, but we already know two of the main ones here from the first film, and the new family isn't terribly psychologically complicated. There's way too much time on sentimental, comfort-food approaches to religion (as if this movie would appeal to the "faith-based entertainment" audience...maybe it does, for all I know) and the value of family. This would have been a better, scarier, much tighter movie at 90 minutes, without losing any important story beats or character nuances. The story and the characters don't require 2 1/2 hours. This isn't "The Exorcist," much as it overlaps with that movie in some respects.


Yeah it's a bit too long. It would benefit to be trimmed by maybe 25 or 30 mins. It's just a little to fast paced to be as long as it is. Unlike other long horror movies, like the Shining, which have long first acts and long third acts, Conjuring 2 has a looooooooooong second act. It's got a cold open, which is maybe 10 minutes and works. Then the set-up at the Enfield House is maybe 15 minutes. Then the next 80 minutes are pretty repetitive, and turn into a bit of a slog. The second act should really be trimmed to maybe an hour, cut it down to around 2 hours.


I saw the movie last night and I thought it dragged on a bit too long.

"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself."


There is one scene that I think should have been cut (the tv remote scene). Otherwise the movie is a fine length.


It's really that long? I just watched it and it didn't feel that long.
Moderators are terrorists.


The movie is good but it is too long.


Yeah, too long. It was enjoyable and imo better than the first which I didn't much like, but it got repetitive and drawn out in a few places. 30 minutes less would have been ideal. There were plenty of scenes that could have been cut without ruining the "plot"


Yeah, too long. It was enjoyable and imo better than the first which I didn't much like, but it got repetitive and drawn out in a few places. 30 minutes less would have been ideal. There were plenty of scenes that could have been cut without ruining the "plot".

It managed to be a very creepy film however, and few modern films are really scary/creepy but this one managed it. If it had been a bit shorter I think it would have been a "great" horror film. Like some albums are ruined because they are 16 tracks instead of 11 and 5 of them are filler? that's how this film feels. It didn't need that much, much like my post. ;)
